Representation in the Primary Arts Curriculum

If you are looking to broaden the cultural base of your arts curriculum and consider why this is so important for your pupils, Representation in the Primary Arts Curriculum is the training you are looking for.

The course provides a safe and supportive environment to explore sensitive issues of ‘race’, racism, and representation with a focus on arts and culture. The four live zoom sessions and supporting materials will equip you with the knowledge and tools to implement whole school approaches to anti-racism and diversify your arts curriculum, so that your pupils can thrive in a culturally responsive environment. This course will be led by Anti-Racist and Global Citizenship trainers Abha Aggarwal and Ruth England

Summer – 4-6pm Thursday 8th, and Tuesdays 20th, 27th June and 11th July


Autumn – 4-6pm Tuesday 3rd , Wednesday 18th October, Tuesdays 7th and 21st November


For more information visit the Artswork website

Course cost: State School Place: £125 Independent School Place: £145

For advice and information please contact Artswork’s Professional Development team via [email protected]

*Read Artsworks course terms and conditions here.